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Focus Inward And Draw Your Cards

This Is A Three-Card Spread Based On The Major Arcana,
Structured In A Past/Present/Future Layout.
Peer Into Your Fate…
  • OOHU
    Card seven
    The Chariot

    The Chariot is a symbol of boldness and victory; a call to reign in your competitive nature and harness it to overcome the challenge at hand. Drawing this card counsels you to maintain focus and embrace your determination and courage as you approach your goal. Embracing structure and order within your planning will serve you well here, but you must remember to remain flexible and adaptive as the path to victory is often riddled with unexpected twists and turns.

    Know that even though your issue’s landscape is vast and fraught with distractions, understanding yourself and controlling your passions will allow for greater control of the battlefield. Approach the issue at hand like a general preparing for battle - your focus, determination, and boldness will carry you to your target like an arrow in flight.

  • DOFG
    Card twenty

    Heed the call of Judgement, for it signifies that the time is right for reflection, evaluation, and action. We are reminded that our choices compound, and each time we make a key life decision, the course of our journey is shifted permanently. Now is a time where those choices catch up with us and we are called by Judgement to take stock, reflect, and gain closure.

    Know that mourning lost opportunity is healthy and necessary for closure. This is a valid part of self-reflection and processing your journey. Committing to self-actualized change and growth promises a more fulfilling life, and the rewards are always worth the process.

    This card also cautions you to answer Judgement’s call with foresight. Avoid mistaking the desires of society or those around you for a true call by taking time to self-reflect in the silence of the Self.

  • VXNK
    Card sixteen
    The Tower

    The Tower stands tall and striking on the horizon, cutting upwards into the sky as a momentous symbol of our perception of self and the world around us. We see it in the moment of destruction, laid low by a bolt of lightning - a powerful symbol of illumination and realization - that fractures our perception of the world and sends ripples throughout the fabric of our life.

    Know that the destruction of old foundations must occur to build stronger foundations anew. Bringing down The Tower may be a traumatic experience, but it provides an entirely new path full of potential and hope. The Tower counsels you to take stock of your priorities and remain adaptable. As jarring as the destruction of our perception is, The Tower tells us it was shattered by a great truth that will enlighten us in the end.
