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Focus Inward And Draw Your Cards

This Is A Three-Card Spread Based On The Major Arcana,
Structured In A Past/Present/Future Layout.
Peer Into Your Fate…
  • BXZF
    Card nine
    The Hermit

    The Hermit is a great wanderer of the inner landscape, eternally seeking knowledge of the self. A strong will and vast knowledge of the world alone is not enough to bring inner peace, and so The Hermit wanders through their unconscious mind in search of understanding.

    Know that the path to locate your inner voice is one of solitude. The dark night of your unconscious must be walked alone, void of the voices and desires of those around you. Only when true solitude has been achieved will the bright northern star of your inner voice lead you to your destination.

    This card counsels you to provide yourself a space where you can be truly alone with your thoughts. By allowing yourself to contemplate and self-reflect without distraction, you uncover a clear path to decisions aligned with your true, authentic self.

  • QKLX
    Card fifteen
    The Devil

    The Devil often represents negative forces that prevent you from embracing your best self, both from within and without. Common embodiments of this cycle are unhealthy relationships, dependencies, bad habits and any behaviors that are detrimental to yourself and those around you. This imbalance may leave you feeling trapped in a cycle of highs and lows, perpetually chasing quick fixes while never truly addressing the root of unhappiness or pain that exists beneath the surface.

    When this card shows itself, know that it is a sign to slow down and self-reflect; there is power in identifying where your personal growth has been stunted. This self-awareness will become a powerful tool for restoration, and provide a sense of balance that can act as a foundation for growth, if not total harmony. Examine what is in your nature that creates discomfort and pain, and let that knowledge serve you in righting your relationship with yourself.

  • STNN
    Card nineteen
    The Sun

    The Sun represents the perpetual dawn; a symbol of great renewal, joy, and optimism. It gives everything we know life and pierces the shadows that haunt us. Success and abundance are deserved, and this card counsels you to share this warm, radiant energy with the ones you surround yourself with.

    The Sun also cautions you against fighting the feeling of peace and calm that comes when you are aligned with yourself. Being a placid sea may feel like you are lacking in energy if you are used to stormy waves, but know that the time is right to lean in and trust the lifegiving calm you’ve brought yourself into.
