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Focus Inward And Draw Your Cards

This Is A Three-Card Spread Based On The Major Arcana,
Structured In A Past/Present/Future Layout.
Peer Into Your Fate…
  • ADIF
    Card eleven

    The appearance of Justice tells of a judgement made fairly and appropriately, and reminds us that there will always come a time when our actions are judged. It is a deliverer of what is deserved, and its double-edged blade cuts both ways. Know that justice itself has no power to help or harm you, rather you create your karmic rewards and punishments through your actions.

    Justice reminds us that our decisions often reach beyond ourselves and counsels us to think on the effect of the action in question before seeing it to fruition. If you are questioning why something has occurred, analyze your past actions and take responsibility for what you have wrought.

    This card can also serve as a balm if you have been wronged, as the universe will always dispense justice and restore balance. Keep in mind that acts of revenge rarely balance the scale, and the most rewarding repayment is often embarking on another more fulfilling path.

  • WFWU
    Card Four
    The Emperor

    The Emperor is a force of paternal guidance and structured authority, counseling you to approach your goals methodically and with discipline. With decisive strategy comes decisive success.

    Know that while the paternal nature of The Emperor guides you to foster logic, discipline, and honor, there is danger in remaining too inflexible to adapt to life’s inevitable surprises. His greatest wish is to provide a secure foundation for his Kingdom’s measured growth, but without the empathetic balance of The Empress, he can enforce growth coldly and without compassion. Too much of anything is a burden, and so we are cautioned against rigid, stubborn mindsets that render us incapable of adapting to the elements around us.

    Remember, creating order in life simply for order’s sake leaves us constrained by loveless logic; rather we should seek logical order that adapts to our needs. Take measure of your resources and capabilities, and create a foundation for growth that will serve the life of your kingdom.

  • NGPU
    Card twenty one
    The World

    The World is a powerful symbol of completion, fulfillment, and accomplishment. Through your actions and efforts, you’ve built a reality where your goal is complete and your heart and mind are unified. Now it is time to walk confidently and let the harmony of the world ring through you.

    This card could be indicative of the completion of a major project, life event, or goal. Whatever the cause, it has an incredibly powerful effect on your self-perception and confidence, as it should. Know that you are counseled to reflect on your accomplishment and encouraged to celebrate it. Once you are centered and one with yourself, your constructive energies can be directed outwards, making the world a better place.

    The World also cautions you to avoid a false sense of security when embracing the oneness it signifies. In our human lives, the total completion represented by The World is never permanently achieved, rather it is a wholeness achieved intermittently throughout the cycle of life as we continually grow and change.
